Leportron 6603 | Gavh
Mechano-Squirrel | AlterThis
Cyber W’horse 1K | MatSat
Slither | MarcSTLouis
Robo-Chicken | YearoftheDragon
Cybermantis | Trit
Monkey Bot 2.0 | Dechko
S-D Z632 | Thunderhorse
Battle Snail | Claven
Ferrari Dragonfly | Terrence
Robo-Turtle | Omerican
LadyCybug | Alliex
Armageddillo | Chris
RoboMantis | Jaylee1
Robo Lobster | solipsism
Wireless Doggle | Linglie
Driller Worm | vipez666
Baluga | Eumesmo
The Prototype | Svethead
Peamanmeatinator | Chris
Overkill | Pepey78
Robolizard | Garsaelon
FlaminGr0b0t | Chris
Mechtrout | solipsism
Cyber Cat | Mandrak
Note: No animals were hurt during these photo manipulations.
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